WWJD?  About 25 years ago a good friend of mine gave me a WWJD bracelet.  I wore that bracelet for at least 10 years.  It was a constant reminder for me to always try to do the right thing in all situations.  Fast forward about 15 years, and the WWJD bracelet has been born again (I just had to say that!).  My 17 year old daughter ordered hers online, but now the question of What Would Jesus Do has apparently been answered, as the bracelet comes with a companion that states HWLF – He Would Love First!  She gave the HWLF companion bracelet to me and I wear it with (humble) pride!

For me, January 1 is always a day of reflection.  2020 was by far the craziest, weirdest, most frustrating year that I have lived.  COVID-19 was, of course, the most significant “event” in a year that included many significant events.  In years past, such large events typically brought, not only Americans, but even the world together.  But, unfortunately in 2020, mainly due to political affiliations, COVID-19 drew a wedge between so many of us.

COVID-19 has changed life as we know it and the way we do things, likely, for many years to come.  For the past 9 months (and for the foreseeable future), we have been asked to (and in many cases have been required to) change our daily routines by wearing masks, social distance, quarantine, stay at home, etc., etc., etc..  Parents and teachers have had to adapt as schools have closed and children have had to learn online.  Employers have had to rethink and retool to allow employees to work from home.  Restaurants have had to either adapt by providing take-out and delivery options, or, sadly, in many cases, shut down altogether.  Churches have either had to stream services, provide limited capacity seating, do parking lot services, or close their doors temporarily.  So many other business have been lost or temporarily shut down – gyms, salons, Cruise lines.  Heck, the list goes on and on. 

All of this has caused a lot of division among us as there are no simple or uniform solutions to fighting this pandemic.  To wear a mask or not.  To open schools or not.  To force all restaurants to close down or not.  To deny people the freedom to worship at their place of worship or not.

Which brings me back to my reflection – specifically about the division and controversies that COVID-19 has brought.  The thought came to my mind of WWJD – What Would Jesus Do?  Well, I didn’t have to look far for the answer as it was wrapped around my wrist.  HWLF – He Would Love First!

So, what does loving first actually mean?  For Jesus it meant to put others needs before his own.  For us I think it means the same – to think of others before ourselves.  If wearing masks will help protect others, then it means wearing masks, even if we don’t want to.  If staying at home when at all possible will help keep the most vulnerable safe, then rethinking whether to dine out might be the right thing to do (but by all means, continue ordering take out).  If watching church online rather than attending a church service in person will potentially keep one more person out of the hospital, then maybe doing so is what “loving others” is all about.

With that said, to love others also means to not judge or condemn.  There will continue to be many who will not adhere to the best practices in fighting this virus.  It’s important that we love them as well – even though everything in our being may say not to.

COVID-19 will one day be behind us.  With its departure there will be a new normal.  How this virus was handled will likely be debated for years to come.  In the meantime, I will try to continue asking myself the question – WWJD, and my hope is that I will not fall short and forget that – HWLF.